
Marshall Mathers has grown to be one of the most successful rappers of all time. In a life plagued with divorces and drug addictions, it seemed perfect for Eminem to take a "real life" approach to his writing. His style has allowed all of his issues to become public information and subject to criticism. In fact, Eminem's whole entire life is constantly criticized. However, no can dispute the fact that Eminem is who he is today because of his ability to let everyone in on all of his issues. Through his personal demons and family problems, Eminem has created a successful career rapping. Whether he is starting feuds with popular celebrities, or poking fun at the current trend of auto-tuning, he has had a huge influence on his hometown city of Detroit.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

During a free show in Detroit to promote his newly released Relapse album, Marshall gave his opinion on one of his first live sober performances back,“This might actually be one of the best shows I’ve ever done,’cause when I get offstage I’m actually gonna remember it.”

Eminem may not have the best track record to be an immediate choice to be a role model, but anyone who has hit rock bottom with a near-death addiction as he did and come clean the way he has must be looked up to as an outstanding individual. It really is amazing that Marshall’s story became a positive comeback and not another drug induced celebrity tragedy.

Monday, December 13, 2010

In 2005, the rap star nearly overdosed on methadone. The amount he took was said to be equivalent to shooting up 4 bags of heroine.

Marshall told interviewers that he hadn’t recorded anything sober in seven years until his most recent albums Relapse and Recovery. Eminem says he has been sober for two years now and plans to stay that way for the sake of his friends, family, and fans.

During a free show in Detroit to promote his newly released Relapse album, Marshall gave his opinion on one of his first live sober performances back, “This might actually be one of the best shows I’ve ever done, ’cause when I get offstage I’m actually gonna remember it.”

Eminem may not have the best track record to be an immediate choice to be a role model, but anyone who has hit rock bottom with a near-death addiction as he did and come clean the way he has must be looked up to as an outstanding individual. It really is amazing that Marshall’s story became a positive comeback and not another drug induced celebrity tragedy.

There is no doubt that the city of Detroit has influenced rapper Eminem, in fact the hardships he has experienced there has made him the man he is today. Now that he has become a superstar in the music industry, he has become an influence for the entire city with the lyrics in his songs and his story towards his struggle to superstardom.
Throughout his years as an artist, Eminem has always put parts of his own life into his music, which must be why people respond to it so well. Most of the rap music today focuses on topics such as sex, money, and power. Songs that focus on these topics give that wonder and fantasy to rap that people love, but nothing hits home like something that’s real. What makes Eminem so accessible is that he raps about the struggles in his life. The songs that sell best for him are the ones that include moments from his life. 
Lose Yourself, from his 2002 soundtrack from the movie 8 Mile, is considered his best song of all time by his fans because that song summarizes his whole life to that point. The message of the song is, in short, that it is extremely difficult to make it to superstardom and even more difficult to stay there and the only way to stay true and succeed is to give everything you have when you have the chance.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Famous places in Detroit Changed by Eminem

St. Andrew's Hall
A now famous venue in Detroit where Eminem attended and dominated many rap battles. This is also where he was discovered by Dr. Dre

Lincoln High School
Eminem Attended high school here.

Detroit Osbourn High School
Eminem went here for rap battles which increased his popularity.

Eminem's first house in Warren, MI.
His success took him from that house to this one in Clinton Township, MI.

It is evident from these now famous places in Detroit that Eminem's dedication and skill took him from rapping in a high school to living in a huge mansion.

Eminem and the business of Controversy

The art of creating controversy in the media either makes the artist look horribly wrong or incredibly inspiring. But knowing how to take advantage of the situation leaves huge room for profit. Eminem knows how to take either situation and turn it into a profitable experience. Eminem takes the controversy that is sparked over a feud between him and another artist and is able to create an entertaining battle for literally years to come. Eminem is able to preserve these feuds by releasing a track that deals with the feud periodically but not overly dwelling on it. These ongoing feuds show that Eminem is a very smart businessman. He understands how to make the most profit from a simple situation. The business end of a feud makes perfect sense. After gaining popularity, the people want to see each side fight back. By creating a situation where one must always answers the other to avoid looking scared, the room for profit is huge. The insane clown posse feud has been going on since 1995. Just by saying something about their appearance at a party, Eminem sparked a feud that has so far lasted 15 years . ( He did the same thing with Britney Spears. Releasing the song “Marshall Mathers” to pick on her but then leaving it alone after creates an ongoing battle. Even though he usually seems like the predator picking on people who can't adequately fight back, he is still able to turn the situation in his favor.  

The attempt to fight back from the other side is usually very popular too. Take for instance “Obsessed” by Mariah Carey. The song is clearly a diss to Eminem showing him as an obsessed loser. It gained huge popularity because it continued the feud. In this way, Eminem not only creates popularity for himself, but the artist he picks on, in effect, evening out the score.

Eminem is truly a master of his craft. By taking a simple feud and turning it into an ongoing ordeal, he maximizes the business of it for both parties and furthers his own success because he is a master of “diss”


Perhaps the sole reason that Eminem has not lost his credibility through all of the vicious family attacks is because of the love he displays for his daughter in his songs.  It helps his fans to realize that he is not just against the world, but he has faced many problems.   His mentioning of Hailie in his songs brings a great deal of criticism about.  Many skeptics would question why you want to put your daughter in the public eye that he does.  The truth is that his music is like a story, and his daughter is huge part of that story.  She expirienced some of the fights between her mom and dad along with their separation.  Eminem wants her to know how important she is to him.  
In one of Eminem’s singles, Hailie’s Song, Eminem displays this other side we rarely see from him.  An example in this song is the ending when he says, “Hailie, remember when I said if you ever need anything, daddy will be right there?  Well guess what, daddy’s here.  And I ain’t goin nowhere baby I love you (kiss)” (  When you listen to Eminem, you feel like you are riding on an emotional rollercoaster with him.  Regardless of all the issues he has revealed, there is no doubt that Eminem shows an unconditional love for the one family member who has not betrayed him, his daughter Hailie. Mathers Pictures&url= Jade 34.jpg

Fame or Marriage?

Eminem’s sudden discovery by Dr. Dre marked the beginning of a struggle between himself and wife, Kim.  Eminem and Kim’s relationship shared many of the same issues that his mother faced during his childhood.  As Eminem’s new fame introduced a lifestyle of being away from home for long periods of time, rumors of infidelity arose between the two.  As their marriage issues became public, Eminem was up to his same old self delivering vulgar attacks on his wife exposing her drug problems and other issues. In another single, Kim, Eminem displays some extremely vulgar language towards his wife.

Eminem made a decision in his life to accept fame and ruin his marriage.  Many people argue that there are many rappers who are married and live happily.  However, Eminem sets himself apart by avoiding the typical “cars, money, or women” plot to his writing.  By unveiling his real life issues in his work, his family and relationships become subject to scrutiny.  I am willing to bet if you asked Eminem if he would have changed his style if he could start all over again he would not have changed a thing.  After all, that is how he became who he is today.